Monday, 14 April 2008


Khalid Ibrahim and Teresa Kok had proudly announced the development of the biggest pig farm in the country, probably the biggest in the South East Asia. It is very clear that they are implementing the concept of ‘Malaysia Boleh’ that was incepted by Mahathir Mohammed quite some time ago, which made me wonder if there is any different between the BN and the PR. The pig farm is claimed to set an example for other states in Malaysia to follow. Wow, a grand PR vision, probably bigger than Vision 2020.

Well now it is clear that the first priority of the PR government is to have a mega modern pig farm and Selangor is taking the lead. Probably more to come when Anwar becomes the Prime Minister.

The play will become more interesting soon when the reaction of the local residence fell into deaf ears of the PR leaders. If they don’t listen, they too would become just like the BN, out of touch with the people.

The next time Teresa having a roast party, please don’t forget to invite Anwar Ibrahim, Khalid Ibrahim and all the Tuan Gurus from PAS. The more, the merrier. After all there are a lot more roast to come after the project is completed.

What a circus. A good show Pakatan Rakyat.


Channel 11.5 said...

hmm... this will be an interesting apabila siap nanti.

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

i loveeeee you label to this post - "getik"....kekekkek...

east43street said...

channel 11.5 .....
Interesting tu satu, tapi the damage to environment tu yang kita tak boleh terima tu. Cakap je ladang moden, tapi semua org tahu, contamination to the ground water would be catasthropic. Singapore pun dah ban dah. I prefer a small scale and ultra-modern pig farm, for domestic market only.

Dah memang tersangat getik dah nengok perangai badut-badut tu. BN, DAP, PKR, Pas, semua sama saja. Buat gelak ketawa negara luar aje.

Da Winged Acrophobic said...

In Europe and Australia, pig farms are administered properly with minimal impact on the environment. But when has Malaysia done anything correctly?

Da Winged Acrophobic said...

PS, macam mana la MB Perak orang Kampar tak tau bezanya Bengali ngan Sikh? Hope he gets simple things like this right. At least.

akula said...

*Tumpang lalu*

DWA: Tak pernahnya pun. Tunggu ada disaster, killing hundreds of lives baru nak buat action.

Anonymous said...

eh, busy kira duit ke? bersawang dah ni, hehehehe

JoeBangla said...

eh, another Malaysian kat NYC ker nih?

second generation. said...

selangor ada pulau kecik..tak kacau orang..ternak babi kat situ la..tapi kena sembah kat sultan pulak.. kut2 dapat ka..

second generation. said...

pasai babi pun nak buat mega-mega..ingat kan nak tanam sayur ka..padi ka..kalau duit boleh tanam kan bagus.. tak yah nak ternak babi..

Anonymous said...

akak setuju kalau ternak babi buat kat pulau terpencil...

anyway, apa komen pasal ADUN Melayu dan syarikat Melayu yang terbabit sama dalam projek tersebut?

east43street said...

da winged acophobic....
Tu lah Europe and Australia they know how to minimise impact on environment. Malaysia is known of going to the wrong direction. I do support modern pig farm. I just can't agree on the priority it has on the list of PR govt.

The new Perak MB is a very dissillusion person. Not only he can't Benggali and Sikh, he is also thought the Sultan and Karpal Singh are the same people.

east43street said...

Tu la namanya Malaysia boleh. PR pun dah ikut Malaysia boleh pun.

east43street said...

aida yurani....
Tulah banyak sangat duit nak kira ni sampai sawang pun dah tak sedor.

east43street said...

joe perantau....
Thanks for dropping by. I left NYC 10 years ago, only good memories remained there.

So duduk New Jersey ke??

east43street said...

second generation....
Thanks for dropping by. Betul tu, kalau dah ada pulau-pulau yang tak pakai bolehlah buat tempat alternatif ternak babi. Tak lah mencemarkan air bawah tanah untuk kegunaan org lain. Otak Khalid Ibrahim pun bukan boleh pakai sangat pun.

Tanam padi memang lebih baik. Tak semua org makan babi, tapi semua org makan nasik.

east43street said...

akak sakdi....
ADUN dan syarikat Melayu tu cuma menjunjung kata-kata Najib, menjadi pengusaha Glokal.

Canada apa khabar?

Anonymous said...

wah, dari drama metro chanel, jadi corporate ah long? Hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

wei, byk na duit nak kira kat pasaran saham ke? sawang-sawang-sawang! :p

east43street said...

aida yurani....
Ah Long koperat tinggi status tu oooo....

Pasaran saham jatuh teruk le.... terpaksa cuti sekejap. Sawang sebab memang banyak kerja nih.

Anonymous said...

Great work.