Thursday 18 October 2007


Well those days, ha! ha! ha! For some unknown reason I remembered an incident that had happened in a once upon a time when I was studying in ITM.

I was so skinny those days. The side effect of being skinny and unattractive was very obvious, no other than not being able to attract a girl. I got used to it and not having a girlfriend was quite okay to me. I knew my look very well, it was so pathetic and I better stay away from trying to market myself, it won't sell.

But one night, my luck was about to change. I had borrowed my friend's motorbike to go to the library that night. Those days the students do not need to have a license to ride motorbike in ITM. When the library closed, I rode back slowly to my hostel, enjoying the night breeze. Half way I saw a girl waving in front of me. I looked behind me and there was nobody there. The girl was definitely waving for me. I stopped the bike near her and I can see that she was very beautiful. She smiled and asked me if she can have a ride to her hostel. I was very delighted and obliged straight away.

She climbed to the motorbike and I rode slowly towards the girls hostel. I started asking her name, her course, her year and lots of questions. She was so friendly and asked quite a lot of questions about me too. It seemed that she was interested in me and I felt good.

The ride was actually very slow but it seemed so fast to me. Well when you are in a company of a beautiful girl, of course time just fly. When we reached her hostel, she climbed down the motorbike and thanked me. Smiled and she dropped a bombshell. She told me that she was desperate for the ride because she urgently need to go to the toilet. She thanked me again, told me that she already had a boyfriend and ran quickly inside. I paused and was gutted, but I took it easy.

On my way back to my hostel, I couldn't stop thinking on why she hadn't been frank on her misery. Had she been frank, I would have sent her as fast as I could and saved her from all the suffering she had to endure on holding it on my slow ride. I would surely rush probably to save my friend's motorbike in case she couldn't hold it.

And why she had to tell me that she already had a boyfriend? The answer I had probably she want to make it clear to me in case I bumped to her again later. Girls.... I really don't understand them.


Anonymous said...

You should have asked for a phone number anyway. (I thought it was going to be a cerita hantu, actually)

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

u ada tekan2 brek mengejut tak masa tu...?? cuba ingat2 balik..

east43street said...

x-eyed jules...
When I read again, I also thought it is a cerita hantu

Yang tu rahsia, tak leh bagitau.

akula said...

Same with jules. Girl with tummy problems? Should imagine how she look like when she's in the toilet. Turn off for sure. Heheheh

Cosmic_GurL said...

U sure it was a "real" gurl, bro? Hehehehe...ntah2 ha alif nun ta wau :P

east43street said...

A definite turn off.... definite!! Same goes to boys too I think.

Betul punya la. Pretty pulak tu, tapi it was just an urgent assistant to the toilet. Dan mangsanya saya pulak tu...

merapuman said...

ha..ha.. perasan!

east43street said...

Ya pun. Mula-mula terperasan sekejap. Pas ru baru tersedar..

UglyButAdorable said...

hahahahaaaa....kalau girl tu tau you kat abroad skang mesti nyesal tak sudah...especially kalau kalau bf yg time tu sangkut...

east43street said...

Tak nyesal kot.... sebab dia dah tengok sendiri orgnya macam mana. BTW being abroad tak semestinya kayo. Kekadang kayap.

second generation. said...

Ha.. ha... ha.. awat dia tak bagitau awai-awai. Kurang asam betui..